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Astral Daze at Aatma And Pier Hat, Manchester, 05 November 2022

Last Stop Sounds

When two of Manchesters best psych promoters combine forces there’s sure to be fireworks (Editor: This joke would’ve worked if we’d printed this review anywhere near the 5th November when the gig took place). Astral Elevator and Happy Daze respectively join up for an event that takes place in two Manchester music venues, the Pier Hat and Aatma. Both share the same building so flying between the two stages is as easy as climbing up and down the stairs.

Sinkr are on at Aatma when we arrive, the are a straight ahead punky sounding tight three piece combo. The vocals are strong and melodies tuneful, the guitar playing (and bass and drums for that matter) are exemplary and they make the most of warming the event up by thundering through a powerful sounding set of rapid fire songs.

Then its downstairs to see The Dirt in the ‘Tiger Lounge’ Peer Hat basement. This is a band thats been causing a bit of a stir lately. Its the husband and wife duo of Jack and Sachiko who armed with a plethora of effects pedals and a storm the citadel attitude have been confronting audiences with their stripped down psych guitars and spoken word vocals. Its mesmerising stuff, the words flow at 101 mph and the guitar hits up repetitive single string riffs that strike out from a background of deep psych noises, sounds that are as important to their tracks as the melodies themselves.

And up the stairs again to see the Manifestation Group back in Aatma. This duo are more restrained, with guitar and synths backing to perfectly harmonious voices. Its minimalistic but eerily beautiful with vocals that float on folky guitar and translucent synths. Their songs hint at deep emotions and hidden depths.

Did we mention the stairs… Dead Sea Apes are starting up in the Peer Hat. This is a band that I’ve tried to catch for a while now but always had the bad luck of being elsewhere when they played. Tonight though they live up to their reputation. Its a deep and somber psych assault with pounding drums and a bass that grinds away at your ears and can be felt in your stomach. Atop that is some vicious and yet floating guitar. Musical patterns are throw out at the audience and moods are created and then changed. Truly excellent, totally awesome.

Stairs, yeah, you get it. Hazels Maze are riffing in a more Sabbath like way with their heavy 70s rock take on things. Its dark and doomy but with faster paced moments and some almost Led Zep stylings from the stringed instruments. The vocals are belted out and hit every time, leading the band into quick crescendo moments and then howling back into solid heavy guitar riffs. A true rock band in some ways but with enough creativity, sonic diversions, different sounds and pacing to keep an audience interested throughout their set.

Purple Heart Parade are kicking out the jams at the Peer Hat. They are big sounding, epic, romantically so, with layers of dreams wrapped around a somnambulant core that gets kicked into the land of the walking by sudden violently upsurging huge swells of chorus. Their sound fills the small venue and the band uses their limited space well but in a way that suggests larger stages would easily suit them. This band might be gazing at their shoes but they are dreaming of the stars.

One last time up the stairs to Aatma and Italians, Kill Your Boyfriend, are already on. They are a stripped down trio, stand up drummer hitting a drum kit wildly and two guitarists. Its hair raising stuff, shapes are thrown, the sound (and band members) never seems to sit still for a second. If I had to think of influences I’d jump straight at Jesus and Mary Chain but its heavier and more industrial sounding (without being metal in any way). Either way, its a hell of a noise and a hell of a show. The band are tight, slick and musically excellent, there’s nothing thrown in thats wasted and the band keeps directly on point, delivering song after song of lean danceable tracks.

Words: Richie Yates, Photos: Adrian Wharton/Richie Yates



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