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Down and Outs- It’s Not Over, Til It’s Over -Single Review - 14 May 2021

Last Stop Sounds

I’ve seen these lads a number of times, mostly at small intimate venues in Liverpool. Always put on a great set, energetic and clearly passionate about their music. Local lads from Liverpool, known by many to always get the crowd going with their punky, love for life attitude. Chris, Mark and Morgan are a melodic punk band from Liverpool. Formed in 2003 they have released 5 albums and toured the UK and abroad including Europe and japan. Too many singles to mention, but can be downloaded at Bandcamp for free. Well worth checking out, and definitely a band to go and see live.

This song, recently released gives us more “mature” punks a reason we do, what we do. The love for music, not regretting what we have done to be where we are today. It could be quite easy as we get on in life to hang up the hair dye and spikes, and just sit and “rot” in the chair, becoming one of those soap opera caricatures of what we once were. I for one have loved the scene for many years, and have no intentions of giving it up any time soon, if at all!! The people we meet, the music we discover. A very poetic and impacting lyric is “And every word we said we meant it, I’d rather fail and not lament it” Cracking line and perhaps summat we should all aspire to.

Words: Johnny, Photos: Band Media/Johnny/RBY



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