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IDestroy- We are Girls- album review - 04 March 2021

Last Stop Sounds

Formed in 2015, Bec Jevons (vocals, guitar), Nicola Wilton-Baker (bass, backing vocals), and Jenn Hills (drums) are an all-female punk band hailing from Bristol. When a drunken Bec played Jenn some of the songs she’d been writing since the age of 16. Nic joined when the band’s original bassist quit. From the outset, their focus was on playing live, but last year, with a rare four weeks free from touring, Bec sat down to write a debut album and realised how much she had to say.

The band have played over 300 gigs across the UK, Europe and Asia, relentless in their work showing the scene what a great punk band can do with hard work and a strong spirit, and probably most importantly of all, they show how to play, 3 amazing musicians, stage presence with an important message to get across, part of which is sexism in the music industry and the way in which some female artists are treated. Well in my opinion, they have proved a point. They look good, play exceptionally and write prophetic and clever songs backed up by excellent instrumental work. It would be easy to copy and paste other people opinions of IDestroy, however, I have seen the band on a few occasions at Nice n Sleazy, first time being 3 or 4 years ago. As soon as I walked in the tent (never having heard them before) it was clear I was listening to sommat good. So off I go to the front, camera in hand. Standing there listening and watching to the girls, it was one of those moments when you just stop, look and listen, and take in sommat unique. Blown away is often used to describe something good, but this band were more than that. Incredible vocals, guitar and drum work complimenting each other perfectly. Oh, and bloody good stage presence too. The following year I think it was, at Sleazy, I made the effort to go see them again, so back in the tent I trundled, pint in one hand, camera the other. Yet again, as above, all came back, tighter and stronger unit. It was obvious they had found what hey were looking for musically. Very very impressed.

So, this year, 12th Feb the girls release their first album “We are Girls”. An album of many messages as I have stated, sexism, harassment, abuse. But also fun with some sarcy dry wit lyrics going on. The album itself is excellently engineered, produced and mixed. Having 3 daughters of my own, and a granddaughter on the way, this band are close to my heart in what they write and sing about, but that’s just a personal thing for me. In my opinion, any person with or without female friends, family members etc should take notice of the songs. Its not all about how men can be crap and belittle women, its only a part of a bigger issue. The album is only half an hour ish long, but packs a mean punch covering a number of issues. sit back, turn up the volume and take note. I hear many influences on this album, Patti Smith, Joan Jett definitely. At times I see the influence of Interpol, or is that just me……………….


A song of a lost friendship that Bec once had, no pussy footing around here, tell it like it is. Having people in our lives who think they are better than they are, and more depressingly, better than you. Poisonous relationships have the power to hurt us, be it intentionally or not. Time to get rid and fuck off the darkness from ya life. Guitar work and drums full of energetic angst with a subtle steady bass line here. You can hear the passionate dislike in Becs vocals for someone who has had a negative impact on her life.

Petting Zoo

Sexual abuse is not ok. Bec tells us of the time she was groped and the effect it can cause. A song about a lack of respect for our fellow human beings. Women are not there to be seen as pieces of meat to be used and abused. Respect and good manners are free. Be nice and stop being a C***. Blinding ripsaw guitar at the start with sliding chords. Niiiice

We are Girls

An out and out message of equality, and rightly so. What is it with people and women? As with blokes, women get angry, get upset and “cranky”, its not a male trait. A song of 3 girls doing what they do best, and do exceedingly well. Great musicians, great vocals and a show of strength to all other women in the business without the constraints of “handcuffs”. Again, respect is the word here. So, show it.


Oh, ffs cheer up. Too many people with a sour grape face. Time to get off the floor and have some fun. Lovely vocal harmonies in this one, blending sweetly with top guitar riffs, a touch of the dry wit too to make a point.

Death Party

I sense this is an anti-drug tune. Always trying to push the boundaries to see how far we can go. “Swimming with sharks” knowing what the outcome will be. There are better ways to enjoy life, without leaving this mortal coil too soon and knowing your friends and loved ones will throw you a “death party”. A dark song of hope for those in a bad place, or do we just go ahead and push ourselves to the limit to see where we end up. You decide.

Cheap Monday

A song that hits home with little old me. The age-old argument of growing up and acting your age, being a responsible boring adult. Fuck that shit. Age is in the mind, funny to hear Bec singing this and about reaching 30, 30, I wish. But I totally get this song, its just a pity others don’t see it. This music scene is about the mindset of getting out there, seeing bands, acting like a fool and keeping that youthful attitude, be it the way we dress, the music we listen too and so on. Love this toon, and hopefully will be saying the same when I’m stuck in an old people home with the pistols blaring out whilst everyone else are watching “corry”.

Sick Friend

A cry for help. The terrible affliction of mental health. Bec’s honesty and transparency in these words are a credit to her, you can feel the pain in the voice, the need to be helped and loved. Many do not have that luxury of help and love of others. This is sad song, but one that needs to be played. Check on ya mates, asking how they are and having a chat, can in my experience, potentially save a life. Loving the opening riffs on this with deep bass line accompaniment.


The regrets of a one-night stand summed up with an opening of twangy guitar plucking. Deep up-front bass line. We are taken through the realisation of waking up in the morning next to an unknown person in ya bed. Unable to recall the previous night’s events. Then to be told by the other they just “don’t care”. Loving the way the tempo changes back and forth with blistering fast guitar work, slowing down and then reaching high speed. Cracking tune, harsh lyrics with something worth thinking about, I think.

The Young and Wasted

Bit of distorted lead blending into Ramonesy riffs opens this belter of a track outlining the plastic, commercial conveyor belt side of the music industry. Bands we know of who are in it for the money and fame. “gotta get naked to be famous”, cracking line showing that it appears some don’t need talent to get well known and wealthy through less than good songs on general release. This song just about sums it up for me where “mainstream” music is concerned. Day in day out we hear utter guff, mostly chart music. This cements my love for the punk scene, the bands and the people. Great tune.

Let’s Play with Knives

Another song about self-worth being at a low. Seeing others as being better than you. Yet, as human beings we relentlessly seek to become as “good” as others, when in fact, you are ok, more so in fact. Coming to a false realisation that we are “so fucked up”. Self esteem issues compare greatly with mental health problems that many suffer from. Bec again opening her heart to get a message across. At the end of the day, we are who we are, we’re not perfect, we all have faults and imperfections, and that’s what makes us, us. Again, I say, keep and eye on ya mates, and offer an ear to listen, you may just save someone.

P.S. hard to believe this is a debut album…………………

Words: Johnny. Photos: Johnny/Band Media


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