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Po-Lice “Light” album review 05 November 2021

Last Stop Sounds

Well then, the lads from Po-Lice have kindly asked me to review this, their 2nd album called “Light”. To say I was honoured would be an understatement indeed, so big thanks to the boys for letting me do this, I hope I do it justice. As I said from the review I did for “Nocturnal Spirts”, this band really know how to play, that album truly blew me away, the intensity, passion, anger and love for their music shone through, as it does here. Still waiting to see em, and hopefully now that the restrictions have been lifted, and things start to get back to some kind of normality, it won’t be too long before that happens.

Separate: Kicking off this tune with some almost heavy metal guitar work, morphing instantly into high-speed ska riffs, which continue throughout, fading backwards and forwards in perfect rhythm. Slowing down toward the end, drifting off to silence. Lyrically very dark, the contemplation that we may have lost the battle for this beautiful planet of ours. Everyone, including the leaders and politicians, a prisoner of our own planetary destruction. I love the way the raised vocals blend nicely with aggressive guitar work in this.

My Face is Melting: Speedy bass line opens up to ska rhythm played at double time. Instant foot tapping intro leading on to some nifty lead guitar riffs. The irony of the masses commenting on the state of things in society, yet not doing anything to make change. “falling in to line” seems to be the norm these days, without the will to make change, but there is always the dream, the dream to make change. Here’s hoping current events will see the change we all need. Question everything, believe nothing.

His Masters Voice: Heavy bass intro, at speed, alongside super-fast drum and guitar work. Here we have the opposite of “my face is melting”, whereby we have had enough, the explosive realisation that we won’t take anymore, time to fight back. Short n sweet track played at a very fast pace, succinct and straight o the point. One of my faves on the album

Light: Album title track with a hugely powerful message that we can make a change, we must make that change. Incredibly pertinent lyrics, sung with anger, hope, aggression and verve. A slow bass opener with some exquisite ska lines. Another fave off the album, the drum work is spot on, the vocals over riding yet totally in sync with the instruments. Fantastic track, one I could listen to over and over. Don’t be the “pawn”, stand up and fix this shitty mess.

Devilish Ways: My favourite track on an album where every song is exceptionally good. More melodic this time, played at speed with a terrific ska line all the way through, reminds me of “night terrors” from Nocturnal Spirits. Melody working its way into “busy” guitar and drum sections. Usual spot-on vocals complimenting everything in this song. A big dig at the media, advertising and the need to have shit we don’t need. Again, its time to “break the mould, express yourself, release the fold”. Great line in one of the best songs I’ve heard in a while. Love it.

Fucked in the Head: Fascinating insight to how those with mental ill health perceive their own affliction. The reasons for it, ways to deal with it. This is a candid and personal view not to be taken lightly, I often think that the so called “lesser known” bands should be aired with messages like this. However, the language used would no doubt be frowned upon. But surely, it’s the language we use, and should be listened to. This is song, although with strong emotional lyrics, also has an underlying dark humour attached to it, the title alone suggests that. Again, lovely ska guitar with a strong low bass line. Boss tune this lads.

Confetti: Fast, messy and manic tune, both lyrically and musically. A total onslaught of the senses, with slower melodic interludes throughout, one minute bleeding ears, followed swiftly with slow sections to drift with. If that makes sense! which it does. The confetti of life where we are force fed materialistic guff through “bleeding eyes”. The storm of confetti fogging up the truth of life, unable to see or think clearly due to the constant bombardment of unnecessary things in our lives. The adverts “perpetuate a vapid culture” of lies and false perceptions. Clever .

Seed: A slower one this time, yet singularly powerful and very emotional at the same time. I don’t know why, but this tune got to me, not sure if it’s the words, or the way its played. You can be the judge of that. Is it a song of hope, desperation, need or indeed hopelessness? Strange one this. Beautifully played and sung with real conviction. Id be interested to have your feedback here. Thanks..

The Fall: Played at a blistering pace, ska riff, bass, drums and vocals. A lyrically dark tune, waiting for the sky to “fall” with what we have done to our world. The end is nigh, the world is “turning grey” people. Is the end “inevitable”? yeah probably, unless sommat drastic is sorted out. And NOW.

To be honest, before I listened to this, I was a bit wary as to how the band could follow on from “Nocturnal Spirits”, a brilliant debut album. However, as soon as the first track plays, ya just know they are onto a winner. Sublime musicians who know how to play, lyrically superb, everything just gels in perfect harmony and precision. The annoying thing is, I just can’t stop playing it. These aren’t compliments, just an observation of something that is very very good. Harris, James and Trent have done it again. An excellent follow up album, worthy of all the praise it receives.

Finally, a few mentions for Matt and Danny, who recorded, mixed and mastered the album, with artwork by James Carp.

Words: Johnny, Photos: Band Media

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