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Last Stop Sounds

BITE BACK Interview, 06 June 2020

Biteback, rising from the ashes of Merseyside bands past, featuring Hocky (ex Instant Agony) and Mandy (ex Iconoclasts) and behind, them hitting the skins is Jon (ex The Eyesawz and Whiskey Priests). This line-up have been together for approximately two years having gone through a few personnel changes. Jon being the new boy since Rob's departure in 2018 and Dibble (ex Iconoclasts) having to retire shortly afterwards due to ill health and hanging her guitar up after spending six years or so in the band. Their sound has been described as a 'melodic but hard hitting wall of sound', the release of their album "Retrohate" has been likened to a fine example of their live sound. So who are they and what drives them? Read on as we speak to Hocky and Mandy.....

Hocky - Guitar/vocals Mandy - Bass/vocals DLW - Last Stop Sounds

DLW: Firstly, thank you for chatting. So what was the inspiration for starting up Biteback?

HOCKY: Having been in Instant Agony for a long time I decided it was time to move on although it was a hard decision to make (leaving the chance to play big festival and gig slots) and then start up again. I also saw it as an opportunity to write other songs that didn't fit in with the Agony mode and as had I started to play bass so I saw it as a healthy challenge and an opportunity to do something a bit different.

MANDY: I joined later so Biteback were already going.

DLW: How would you describe your sound?

MANDY: Sing-along punk rock and roll.

HOCKY: Quite simply high energy melodic punk.

DLW: Does everybody contribute to the song writing?

MANDY: Yep, all three of us. It's a nice easy songwriting format in the band, no-one minds trying things out or changing stuff which is great.....

DLW: Totally agree and for me that is how songs should be written.

HOCKY: Yes we all contribute, I usually come up with the lyrics and possibly a chorus riff or the song basics then Mandy and Jon get hold of it and change it completely (insert grin here) But we all pull together to add bits which works well because we all come in from different angles. Jon has been very prolific lately and Mandy will enhance anything I put forward. It works well.

DLW: Since Dibs' departure, do you feel it has had a major influence on the sound of the band?

HOCKY: Since Dibble left, the band has definitely got a more harder edge to the sound with Mandy and Jon filling out where needed. Certainly live, we have stripped it down to a more aggressive sound.

MANDY: Yeah when Dibs left with her neck issues, I personally miss the little weird things she played and the chunky guitar riffs but also with the new recordings. I think live, we manage to keep the activity level quite energetic so maybe we don't miss the second guitar as much.

DLW: I'd just like to add here that I hope Dibs is okay and not in too much pain.

DLW: You guys were pretty prolific gig wise before the pandemic hit, are you still writing new stuff whilst in lockdown?

MANDY: Yeah we have written quite a lot since lockdown, enough for another album. Jon is very prolific so he records stuff and messages it to me and Hocky so we can change/add to it. Hocky also has stuff or spare lyrics so we have thrown a lot of stuff into the pot and made new songs. I am dying to get back to rehearsals, I can't wait.

DLW: I know that feeling! I am missing rehearsals too, lockdown is driving me nuts! I just wanna pick up the bass and make a racket again.

HOCKY: We are continually writing new material so the lockdown hasn't really affected us apart from the fact that we can't rehearse together as a band.

DLW: What would say were/are your musical influences?

HOCKY: Although I like a lot of varied music, my main influences for playing live come from bands like The Ramones. I love catchy tunes with sing-a-long vocals stemming back to rock and roll in its simplicity.

MANDY: I love loads of music types. My first memories were of The Mighty Sparrow, brass reggae then moved onto (Bob) Marley etc then punk. My influences for both bass and vocals are probably Stranglers, Muffs, Pixies, Banshees, Magazine and loads more.

DLW: With respect, both of you have been playing in the punk scene for a fair few years, what are your favourite and worst memories?

HOCKY: The best memories were probably playing over in Europe and America with Instant Agony.

DLW: Yes I will agree with that, I have fond memories of the good times in Europe with Agony.

HOCKY: Yeah, I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy playing anywhere. Some of the best gigs are the ones to least expect to be lively so to me it's all good memories. Only downside has been splitting up with band members which never comes easy.

MANDY: My worst (punk) memory was missing the Ramones gig in Liverpool in 1986 because I ended up in hospital but Dibble went for me and took photos... badly haha! Or The Iconoclasts gig for The Damned at the Empire and then Dr & The Medics paid to do the support so we got hoofed, very narked about that at the time!

DLW: I bet you were peeved!

MANDY: My best memory was doing the Jamboree and breaking the Guiness World record for fastest record ever made (Iconoclasts) it was so great to because we got to fly by helicopter from Birkenhead to Liverpool over the Mersey and it was amazing. Bucks Fizz beat us the next year, twats!!

DLW: Which recording are you most pleased with and why?

MANDY: My personal favourite recording I have ever made was on the album 'Brutal Deluxe' by Scorpio Rising, I think it's because I felt that was the best bass playing I ever did and I still love it although I have lost those skills due to complete laziness.

HOCKY: I like all the Biteback stuff because musically, I had a lot of input with it and although I'm very proud of a lot of Agony stuff, I tend to move forward and I'd like to say in advance the new Biteback album will be my favourite.

DLW: What do you enjoy most about being in a band?

HOCKY: I enjoy playing live more than anything and being in a band with great camaraderie helps!

MANDY: I love playing in a band, it gives me stress relief from my day job. Playing and listening to music is the only time I feel completely free and I get engulfed by it.

DLW: Do you thing that the local scene is quite healthy at the moment?

HOCKY: The local scene is quite vibrant at the moment, plenty of bands in the so called 'alternative' bracket playing a varied mix of stuff. I'd like to think that Biteback have encouraged this with our regular slots we have for bands on our Wirral Underground Sound shows that we put on.

DLW: Yes I agree as you have been quite busy putting local gigs on.

MANDY: The local scene was really starting to pick up prior to COVID-19, lots of local bands were organising gigs and helping each other out. I like the camaraderie between the local bands which in turn, lifts them all. Hocky has Wirral Underground Sound which tries to share bands from out of the area with local bands supporting and I think people are liking it. He had a lot of good shows lined up which will be re-arranged when this virus decides to piss off.

DLW: What are your favourite and worst venues to play?

MANDY: Locally I like Mollys' outside venue because it has a lot of potential. Chester Live Rooms is also a good venue. Worst? Crikey... I used to call it the 'bog tour' every city has one! Big venues elsewhere, favourite is the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre and least favourite is Glasgow Barrowlands.

HOCKY: I genuinely like them all (although I'd play in a garden shed if asked to). I like our home gig, The Swinging Arm and the Star & Garter in Manchester, always a blast. I like playing outdoor gigs too, there is a great one in Uttoxeter but you can't swear on stage because it upsets the neighbours, that fucked me up (insert another grin here)

DLW: Before Biteback, you've both played in various other bands, what bands where you in and how would you describe your time in those bands?

HOCKY: In order of appearance, my first band was called Venomous Youth from 1979, we mainly played punk covers but did start writing our own stuff, members included Neil who later went on to be part of Half Man Half Biscuit. Played a few local gigs and then went on to join Instant Agony and recorded all our early material. Crazy times and all a bit dis-jointed. I then moved to London and started a short-lived band called The Slops, we never played any gigs or recorded anything. I moved back up from London and formed The Go-Heads who played hundreds of gigs all over the place, always a riotous occasion and very funny stories (I could write a book and one day I might.) Then it was back to Agony duties when they reformed and in between all that, I started 0898 with Paul Patterson and Anton Garvey and then drafted Dave Stinson in which resulted in us playing some of my favourite gigs. Then more Instant Agony before finally folding and Biteback then being born - phew! I haven't stopped for 40 years but can honestly say I've enjoyed playing in each and every band.

MANDY: Iconoclasts - One record, first band and loved nearly every minute of it plus we are all still friends. Decomposed - Lasted about six months, just for fun. Doll Squad - One album and again lots of fun with the girls, went a bit heavy rock towards the end. Paragonz - My cousin Steve's band with Gordon from Elektra 56 on drums. Scorpio Rising - Two albums and touring band. Best musically for me, Sire Records didn't release the second album which is a shame as people think it's really good. The Slingbacks - One album and a few singles, fun to start with but lost it's shazzle for me and Virgin then dropped us as we couldn't produce the second album. From 1997 to 2002, I toured with various bands as a guitar tech. Basically, I have had a great time and really enjoyed everything I have been lucky enough to experience, very grateful for that.

DLW: Finally, if you were interviewing Biteback, what question would you ask them? (Question shamelessly stolen from Gary Eagle - Punk4TheHomeless)

MANDY: Why don't you change the name of the band to something better?

HOCKY: What will you be doing in ten years time?

So there we have it. Biteback in a nutshell. Many thanks to Hocky and Mandy for sparing their time and doing the interview. Once lockdown is over, I suggest you check these guys out, you will not be disappointed. But for now.... stay safe and beers and cheers.

DLW (words), RBY and Biteback (Photos)

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